“It doesn’t matter whether a cat is black or white, so long as it catches mice”
Deng Xiao Ping
Forty one professionals and young managers from different European
countries and various professional backgrounds spent, at the beginning
of July, one week on the ESSEC Singapore campus in order to get a
better understanding of Singapore’s unique marketplace and the
influence of China’s ancient philosophy on its way to economic success.
The ESSEC & MANNHEIM Executive MBA participants from the Modular class of 2009 were able to gain a unique insight and learn first-hand the way business is conducted in this part of the world. Trying to understand the Asian versus the Occidental approach to business, the different goals, ambitions and ways to handle business relationships played an important role in the seminars and will be useful for the participants’ future business activities.
Through company visits and lectures, the young professionals were able to grasp the challenges and opportunities that European companies are facing when doing business in Asia. BASF introduced its R&D and innovation strategy and presented the global research center that is expanding rapidly. Grégory Birgé, founder of F5 Digital Consulting, shared his expertise on the digital consumer evolution and confronted the participants with the competitive environment in the communications and new technologies sectors. Cultural activities such as the visit of the Asian Civilisation Museum made the visit complete.
Overall the Modular class participants were able to broaden their knowledge of Asian markets, see how global corporations function, experience Asian business and culture on the ground, and develop a curiosity to further study the fast growing economies in this region.
As one participant put it: “ It was my first time in Asia, I really appreciated the quality of speakers, the cultural events and what I learnt about cultural differences ”.
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