Congratulations to the class MOD 2010 of the Executive MBA Essec & Mannheim for their successful Class PROJECT: RUGHME !
The objective to raise substantial support for ABC Autisme, an organization developing new pedagogies for autistic children, through a rugby tournament, was surpassed. Last Saturday night during the celebration dinner, at the end of the days play, they announced having raised €130 000 !!
They managed this through collective commitment, clear organization and flexible coordination between the 48 participants, and through the development of highly productive relationships with outside parties – specifically the Mayor of Houilles (78) and the Rugby club of that town, the Chair of Marketing in Sports at ESSEC (Prof. Thierry Lardinoit) and sporting and cultural personalities such as A Benazzi, O Campan, P Benetton, T Lombard and B-P Donnadieu), but also with many others.
Their hard work and high motivation has given concrete expression to the values shared by ESSEC and Mannheim Business School, and has carried forward the longstanding and noble tradition of class projects in the Executive MBA. They have forged a strong collective cohesion and stamped their mark on that tradition in a truly worthy manner!!

■ Learn more on this class project
■ Learn more on ESSEC & Mannheim Executive MBA
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